Keyword purchases

Do you want to be the leader of the pack or bite the dust? To earn your place among the leaders, you have to play with the pros and play by the rules. The skills of a Google partner make all the difference in positioning your offer on search engines through paid referencing campaigns (SEM).

A dollar that is well invested pays off.

Anyone who invests in GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) will tell you: there’s a price to pay for being a champion. These web giants have a very good command of the rules of supply and demand: the more intense the competition for a keyword, the more expensive the selling price will be. On the web, the concept of optimization has never been as sophisticated as it is today.

As a Google partner, Propage makes a significant difference to your results. We understand the inner workings of the search engine and are constantly monitoring trends because we know that there is a perpetual evolution of the algorithms.

Should you stick to organic or paid referencing with Google Ads? The right answer is not to choose one or the other. Rather, opt for a well-balanced mix adapted to your reality.

– Daniel Larose, chairman of the board and senior partner

Google Partner

We’re a certified Google partner. And your performance partner.

The truth is that there’s no practical magic you can use to position yourself at the top of search engines. The secret, if any, lies in the sustained effort you are willing to devote to it.

With sustained efforts, we combine a high level of knowledge and rigorously executed best practices to ensure that the strategy and execution are fully consistent. We are a certified Google partner. Our specialists have an expertise that meets the highest industry standards.